Adult Vision: How It Changes As You Age

As we begin to age we notice a decline in our physical strength and the way our bodies look. Changes in adult vision become more and more apparent as the decades go by after middle age, and today we’d like to outline some of the changes you’ll begin to notice in your eyesight.

If any of the signs and symptoms we go through seem familiar, be sure to see an eye doctor as soon as possible to properly assess any conditions your eyes may have and receive any necessary treatment.

Many adults first notice a change in their eyesight when they begin to have problems reading or working on the computer. This is called presbyopia and is the result of the lenses in your eyes stiffening with age and losing the ability to focus. This happens to nearly every aging individual and can easily be corrected with prescription lenses. Even if you already wear prescription glasses or contacts for near-sightedness, your change in vision can be easily corrected with bifocal lenses. It is very important to have your eyes examined regularly to ensure that you’re seeing clearly and putting no strain on your eyes that can cause any damage to them in the future.

It is recommended that between the ages of 40 to 54 to have your eyes examined every one to three years; from ages 55 to 64 every one to two years; and after age 65 to have your eyes checked every six to twelve months to keep your ocular health properly monitored.

If you’ve had a history of eye disease or health problems involving your eyesight, it’s important to also have your eyes checked at least once per year after the age of 35. Early detection of any eye condition is the key to protecting you from serious, irreversible damage caused by glaucoma, cataracts and macular degeneration.

The risk of developing glaucoma (a group of eye disorders that cause serious damage to your optic nerves and lead to loss of vision) increases significantly as you age. At 40 years old, your risk generally lies at about 1%. Each decade after 40 increases your risk of developing the disease, leading to about a 12% chance of vision loss at 80 years old if not routinely checked for through exams.

Getting older comes with many harmless changes to your adult vision. You may experience frequent dry eyes, reduced pupil size and significant sensitivity to light, decreased vibrancy in colour vision, and even loss of peripheral vision. These are normal signs of aging, but if they’re accompanied with any of the following symptoms please seek the assistance of your eye doctor to determine if there is an underlying issue.

  • Seeing flashes or floating spots in your eyes
  • Loss of vision on one side
  • Seeing distorted images
  • Fluctuating clear vision
  • Blinking eye spasms
  • Drooping eyelids
  • Pain, itching, burning or excessive tearing in the eyes

Maintaining healthy adult vision is critical to living a full life without compromised eyesight. Hakim Optical is proud to offer complete Optical Services, including arranging eye examinations through our Eye Exam Centre. Many of our locations across Canada have Eye Exam Centers within them where you may book an appointment for a complete eye exam with an optometrist. Click here to find the location nearest you and book an appointment today to maintain clear, healthy vision.