by hakimdev | Sep 11, 2019 | Information
Everyone should be getting regular eye exams, but it’s extremely important for parents to schedule eye exams for children at the beginning of the school year. Vision usually doesn’t stabilize until about the age of 20, so even if your child had an exam last year, it...
by hakimdev | Nov 22, 2017 | Information
It can be hard keeping up with the all the responsibilities of being a parent. Sometimes, in all the hustle and bustle, eye care gets overlooked and your child’s vision isn’t made a high priority—especially if your child isn’t currently wearing glasses. However, it’s...
by hakimdev | Aug 6, 2016 | Tips
Children seem to grow up in a flash, and they change and develop just as fast. The eyes can alter within months, and this past summer holiday may have seen changes in your child’s vision. This month, before your kids go back to school, consider a comprehensive eye...