Taxes Glasses Could be Your Way to a New Pair of Frames

Taxes Glasses Can Save You Money!

To get the best pair of eyeglasses to fit your needs, something you can take advantage of is what we call Taxes Glasses.

If you’re a prescription lens wearer, you know how important it is to have a great pair of glasses that are both comfortable and fit your needs. Prescriptions can change unexpectedly, sometimes every year, and new glasses (and maybe contact lenses) must be purchased to accommodate the change and keep up that perfect vision.

However, glasses are expensive, and you may have been faced with sacrificing your comfort and needs a little bit because you simply can’t justify spending more on a new pair. But did you know that if you’re a prescription lens wearer, you could expense your new glasses on your taxes?

You read that right; glasses can be expensed during tax season because they qualify as a health-care expense. Many people don’t know that they are eligible to claim many medical expenses through their taxes and are faced with costly bills and no return. In fact, claiming your glasses in your taxes is one of the most overlooked claims people make!

Remember that claiming your glasses on your taxes, just like other medical expenses, does not necessarily mean their purchase has to fall within the calendar year. They can be claimed within any consecutive 12-month period that ends in the tax year you are filing. Just note that if you use this period in claim for your own medical expenses, you must file your dependant’s claims in the same way. (Source:

Your eye care is important. Don’t suffer with an old pair that needs to be replaced, or squinting your way through lenses with an outdated prescription. The next time you think about buying some new glasses, don’t let the price deter you! Now you know to hold on to that prescription for your records, file your receipt, and have fun browsing and selecting a great new pair!

Click here to browse our spring collection of frames and find your taxes glasses!