Style Guide
Looking for some inspiration before picking out your next pair of glasses from Hakim Optical? Check out how our customers have been accessorizing with their frames in our Style Guide!
Be sure to tag @haveitallhakim on your next Instagram post for a chance to be re-shared across our social media,
and to be included in our Style Guide!
Frames for every mood. Frames for every occasion.
What frames are you feeling?
Subtle? Bold? Bright? You can have it all. Choose from thousands of styles in-store!

Daria Purley


Fresh frames fitted to your face.
You find perfect frames for your outfit.
Our opticians ensure your frames are the perfect face-fit!


Jenn Chan

Need a touch of tint or a UV coating?
Select from a variety of tints and coatings.
Whether you want sunglasses or work glasses, our eye experts will help you with the fine finishes.
Saron Wilkie


Cherie Lee