Hakim Optical 2022 Fall Style Guide

Hakim Optical 2022 Fall Style Guide

It’s finally the season for sweaters, pumpkin spice lattes, and gorgeous glasses! Jump into the Hakim Optical Fall Style Guide!    Welcome to fall! Autumn is finally here and to many, that means their favourite season full of activities in the cool, crisp air,...
A Guide to Gaming Glasses

A Guide to Gaming Glasses

For many young people, playing video games is more than just a pastime, it’s a passion. From the art, music, and character development, to the community of online gamers, and even financial incentives through tournaments, video gaming can be a lifestyle. While we...
Sunglasses for Fishing and Outdoors

Sunglasses for Fishing and Outdoors

If you enjoy fishing in your free time, or you fish professionally, you know the importance of a good eye. A great pair of sunglasses can elevate your ability to see sharply, and thus, catch your dinner. If you’re in the market for a new pair of sunglasses to reduce...
The Anatomy of Your Eyeglasses 

The Anatomy of Your Eyeglasses 

For so many Canadians, eyeglasses are an essential part of their everyday lives. If you wear glasses every day, you may know the basic terms including frames, lenses, and even screws. However, familiarizing yourself with the anatomy of your glasses (even the...