by hakimdev | Mar 30, 2022 | General Posts
Spring Has Sprung And So Have Hundreds Of Unique And Beautiful New Frames! Spring is finally here, and so many Canadians are eager to shed winter’s puffy coats and toques for flower prints and rainboots to express their favourite spring style!At Hakim Optical, we’re...
by hakimdev | Sep 1, 2021 | All News, Tips
Sunglasses are a trademark of the summer, but they also have their place during the other seasons too! While they are a great way to express yourself through your accessories, having a proper pair of sunglasses that protect you from UV light is more important than you...
by hakimdev | Aug 18, 2021 | News & Announcements, Tips
When we’re getting out children ready for back to school, there are so many things that we need to make sure to do. Children are always growing so new shoes and clothing are often a must, new school supplies, and ingredients for packing lunches are all things that...
by hakimdev | Aug 18, 2021 | All News, Tips
Getting the first pair of glasses for yourself or your child can be overwhelming! Glasses, prescriptions, and the amazing things they can do are always evolving and becoming more advanced and sometimes it can feel as though you need to be an optometrist to understand...
by hakimdev | Feb 6, 2019 | Information
Wearing glasses for the first time comes with a steep learning curve. In addition to getting used to seeing clearly, you’ll likely need time to adjust to a new routine. We’ve outlined three things to expect that you might overlook when first wearing glasses. Expect to...