Eye Safety

Eye Safety

Proper protective eyewear is a key component of occupational safety. However, people who require prescription lenses tend to forego wearing safety glasses. This is because people are under the impression they have to try to fit their protective eyewear over their...
Eye Floaters: What Are They?

Eye Floaters: What Are They?

Have you ever noticed something crossing your field of vision that looks like a little spot, speck, string or web? The little speck seems to drift or float about as you move your eyes, but when you try to look directly at it, it’s gone? These are called “eye floaters”...
Top Signs You Need an Eye Exam

Top Signs You Need an Eye Exam

Most people know you need to go to the doctor for their annual physical checkup. And everyone knows you need to visit the dentist regularly. But what about the optometrist? Your eyes need regular checkups, too! In fact, you might even need an eye exam between your...
Eye Protection & Protective Eyewear

Eye Protection & Protective Eyewear

Are you doing enough to protect your eyes? You might be surprised to learn that there are about 200 job-related eye injuries every day in Canada. These injuries often result in lost time and/or temporary or permanent vision loss. What’s more, 90% of these eye injuries...