Top Signs You Need an Eye Exam

Top Signs You Need an Eye Exam

Most people know you need to go to the doctor for their annual physical checkup. And everyone knows you need to visit the dentist regularly. But what about the optometrist? Your eyes need regular checkups, too! In fact, you might even need an eye exam between your...
Simple Eye Terms Everyone Should Know 

Simple Eye Terms Everyone Should Know 

Eye health is a huge, overarching subject that encompasses an array of terms and definitions. It can be a bit overwhelming to hear and try to understand so many unique definitions, especially if they don’t necessarily define your current situation with your eyes and...

Start The New Year Off With An Eye Exam

As the new year arrives, many of us choose to set resolutions to better our lives: from working out, to reading more, to eating better, the new year is often a time to reflect on how we can improve our body’s overall health. A great resolution for this new year that...

Last Chance to Use Vision Benefits

If you have extended vision benefits through work or private insurance, make sure to use all your available coverage before benefits expire at the end of the year. Eye ExamsInsurance policies vary from company to company, but most allow for a comprehensive eye exam...

Keep an Eye on Your Vision with Regular Exams

Unfortunately, not all Canadians take their vision health as seriously as their overall physical health. It’s extremely important to schedule regular eye exams to ensure there are no eye issues and to help prevent eye disease and future vision loss. The Canadian...