Hakim Optical FAQ

Hakim Optical FAQ

Getting the first pair of glasses for yourself or your child can be overwhelming! Glasses, prescriptions, and the amazing things they can do are always evolving and becoming more advanced and sometimes it can feel as though you need to be an optometrist to understand...

What are Trifocal Lenses?

As we age, so do our eyes! As they do, your corrective lens requirements can become increasingly unique. Most people have heard of bifocal lenses, but as many beyond the age of 40 understand, we develop varying levels of presbyopia and other age-related eye conditions...

Possible Causes of Eye Pain and Headaches

While many of us have become accustomed to eye pain due to increased screen time, we tend to ignore it because we think it’s strain-related, but that isn’t always the case. Eye pain should never be ignored, regardless of the severity, and some of the causes of eye...

FAQ – Where Can I Find Eyeglasses Near Me?

With so many eyeglass store options available, many people are left longing for a simple answer to the question “Where can I find eyeglasses near me?” and the best answer is still, and always, Hakim Optical! Hakim Optical is the first thing many people see when they...