How To Heal Your Eyes From Sun Damage

Throughout the year as we spend time outside, many of us will experience eye damage from the sun; it happens to the best of us! Forgetting your sunglasses, or not having proper UV protectant sunglasses, and spending too much time in the sun are all culprits of...

Types Of Hinges For Your Glasses

Although glasses hinges may not be the first thing you think of when purchasing a new pair of glasses, they’re one of the most crucial parts of the inner workings of your eyewear, as they contribute to their functionality as well as how comfortable they are when you...
Hakim Optical FAQ

Hakim Optical FAQ

Getting the first pair of glasses for yourself or your child can be overwhelming! Glasses, prescriptions, and the amazing things they can do are always evolving and becoming more advanced and sometimes it can feel as though you need to be an optometrist to understand...