Keep Up With Your Child’s Eye Health for Back to School

Children seem to grow up in a flash, and they change and develop just as fast. The eyes can alter within months, and this past summer holiday may have seen changes in your child’s vision. This month, before your kids go back to school, consider a comprehensive eye...

Contact Lens Travel Tips

Contact lenses can be a life saver at times. When you don’t feel like wearing glasses or you’re moving around a lot, they can be much more convenient than glasses or no vision correction. One tricky time to use contacts is on the road, so we’ve got some contact lens...

Tips for Eye Wellness

Our eyes are an incredibly important part of our bodies, but we often take their health for granted when we’re seeing well, have no irritations and everything feels fine. Your eyes may be healthy already, but you can take some precautions and follow some easy steps on...

Signs That Your Prescription Has Changed

The question is always a variation of the same: When should I go get an eye exam? And the answer is simple: when you feel that your prescription has changed. However, it can be a bit confusing to try to figure out the signs that your prescription has changed,...