Tips for Eye Wellness

Our eyes are an incredibly important part of our bodies, but we often take their health for granted when we’re seeing well, have no irritations and everything feels fine. Your eyes may be healthy already, but you can take some precautions and follow some easy steps on...

Digital Eye Strain Causes and Solutions

Many of us use computers both at work and in our leisure time on a daily basis, and due to this the effects of digital eye strain are taking their toll. The physical stresses of sitting at a computer for repetitive, extended periods of time vary, but the common...

Tips for Keeping Your Eyeglasses Safe

Keep Your Eyeglasses Safe with Hakim Optical When you get a new pair of glasses, most insurance coverage doesn’t renew for at least one year, so you’ll want to make them last. Your vision is essential, and being able to see clearly is something you depend on at all...

Polarized Lenses Offer Glare-Free Summers

Polarized Lenses Having fun in the sun is the best part of summer; going outside and enjoying the warm weather before the seasons change. However, those of us that wear glasses know that it can be very irritating when the sunshine’s glare hits your eyes and you feel...