The Importance of Proper Reading Glasses

The Importance of Proper Reading Glasses

As we age, especially over the age of forty, the lenses in our eyes become more rigid, leading to difficulty seeing when transitioning between near and far vision. This causes your eyes to gradually lose the ability to see things clearly up close, resulting in...

Common Signs That You Need Glasses

As we age and change, our eyes follow suit. Once, you may not have needed glasses, but as time has progressed your eyes and your potential prescription have changed, and glasses may be the key to seeing better and more comfortably. If you’ve never worn glasses before,...

Common Reasons For Eye Pain

Like any other part of your body, it’s only natural that your eyes will experience irritation and pain at times. However, because your eyes are so sensitive and so vital to your everyday life, sudden eye pain can cause panic. If you begin to experience eye pain, there...

Start The New Year Off With An Eye Exam

As the new year arrives, many of us choose to set resolutions to better our lives: from working out, to reading more, to eating better, the new year is often a time to reflect on how we can improve our body’s overall health. A great resolution for this new year that...

How To Heal Your Eyes From Sun Damage

Throughout the year as we spend time outside, many of us will experience eye damage from the sun; it happens to the best of us! Forgetting your sunglasses, or not having proper UV protectant sunglasses, and spending too much time in the sun are all culprits of...