How Do Mirrored Sunglasses Work?

How Do Mirrored Sunglasses Work?

Choosing the right pair of sunglasses can be a bit of a challenge due to the wide selection of styles, lenses, and lens coatings available. At Hakim Optical, one of our favourite choices is the classic mirrored sunglasses, not just because they look good, but because...
The Importance of Proper Reading Glasses

The Importance of Proper Reading Glasses

As we age, especially over the age of forty, the lenses in our eyes become more rigid, leading to difficulty seeing when transitioning between near and far vision. This causes your eyes to gradually lose the ability to see things clearly up close, resulting in...
The Most Common Eye Diseases In Children

The Most Common Eye Diseases In Children

As parents, it’s important that we are constantly aware of our child’s health and wellbeing. To properly look out for your child’s eye health, it’s important that you understand common eye diseases in children and how they may present, plus the importance of regular...

FAQ: How Often Does My Prescription Change?

If you’ve worn glasses for a while, you’re familiar with changing and evolving prescriptions. As we age, our eyes can change, and so too does our ability to see clearly. If you’ve ever Googled “how often does my prescription change?” this blog is the answer for you,...

Common Signs That You Need Glasses

As we age and change, our eyes follow suit. Once, you may not have needed glasses, but as time has progressed your eyes and your potential prescription have changed, and glasses may be the key to seeing better and more comfortably. If you’ve never worn glasses before,...